Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I Am the Fault I See In Everyone Else

I am perfect.
I am who I want to be.
I am the creation of my own design.
I am me.

Friday, March 25, 2011


I apologize for grammar/puncuation/spelling/rhyming

Don't Mind Me
there were letters all along
not sent
but rather
saved in song
praise of one another's care
not sent but kept (too much to share)
filled with many of the same things
stories of sketches and rocks and strings
a mirror of work
in each's collection
not letting on that they shared affection
neither had cheated, but some did assume
it's hard to believe a love thats so true.

yet the connection has passed, the feeling won't change
their hearts still beat with a tinge of a pang
one who is strong, the other is weak
on the outside, the strong is the one who looks meak
it's none of my buisness, but this i suggest:
if quitting wont work, then give it a test.
if the test wont work then just let it be;
move on or move to a common city

Friday, March 11, 2011


Strange Change

Fascade of smiles crumbles down
What has changed? What has been found?
Nothing’s changed, no nothing’s new
No more strength to push on through.
Nothing’s sad, but why keep laughing?
No more acts so why keep clapping?

The person that you the thought you knew
The one right in front of you
Did something you never thought she’d do
Something’s different, here’s a clue
She’s just changed her point of view

Love Me
I want a boy to tell me
I’m beautiful

I already know I am, although
On some days I’d disagree with that statement
But even on those days
If someone were to try to convince me
I could be persuaded
Especially if that someone
Were cute
And smiled at me
When I least expected it.

Instant Tan

The tan’s not real
It doesn’t feel
The same as sun baked skin.
The glow looks natural
I’d rather have actual
Sun rays seeping in.

A citrusy smell
They copy it well
But it’s not the same as the sand.
Keep your sun in a bottle
Heck I’d rather waddle
With sunburn than get a fake tan.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


            But I Can Write

These words keep dancing
Out of my brain
On the inside of my skull
Then filter through my ear
Ants exiting an ant hill
Then march down my arm,
Pausing to tickle my elbow
Then take giant leaps across my wrist
As deer leap in fields
And exert a force on my fingers
That makes me write them down.

They don’t care that they aren’t graceful dancers.

They do it anyway.
A painting from a roman vendor
A Darth Vador mask
Red nail polish
Balloon animal instruction book
A stool created in woodshop without instructions
A book of poetry
A box with thread
2010’s senior pictures and open house invitations
an Archie comic book
a red purse
a yellow plastic duck
a beaded journal
2 different yellow nail polishes
a peacock feather
a tea cup from a Canadian
45’s and 78’s
an autographed rock
mini squirt gun
various amateur art
venetian mask
a blue cartoon stuffed mouse
running shoes
lady’s gloves
record player
bouncy ball
dry erase marker
2 photography books
valentine’s card
plaid belt
urban dictionary
transformers backpack
pocket knife
Calvin and Hobbes
Tacky sweaters
Pretty dresses
Magnifying glass
Giant pencil
Perfumed pottery from Orvieto
Popped bubble wrap
Breakfast at Tiffany’s poster
A girl.
The Extras

Pay attention to the supporting characters
Forget about the lead
He gets all the attention
He could ever need

Take a look at the one in the back
Not important at all
Look how well they fit their part
Right there, his name is Paul.

We see Paul as he walks by
Wishing he was the lead
A tear in his eye
But he doesn’t cry
Hardly noticed amidst the stampede

But if he weren’t there
Where else would we stare?
After watching the movie five times?
He added so much
With that tear of a touch
At the value of a dozen for dimes.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Haiku Day!!!

I am quite jealous
Of people who can write
Awesome poetry

Boyne city ramblers
Are forever red and blue
Like the beating heart

Of course you haven’t
Have you seen my dog?
My dog is better than yours
It’s invisible

Have you ever thought
That maybe the world isn’t
All about yourself?

Brain waves
One complete cycle
My brain is frequently washed
And no one touched it

Is hard for me to expand
It sounds impressive

First impression
I hope you like me
Although I am not so sure
That I like myself

I am so normal
That I am afraid of it
That’s fine, it’s normal

Hey look over there
Where do you want me to look?
Over there that duck

I have given up
There is no way this is art
My poems must be ‘wrong’

Art is
Taking useless things
And making it beautiful
But it’s still useless