Saturday, November 19, 2011

One a Day

I've decided to expand on one of these every day for the following... 18 days
Ready Set Go.

  1. She wears the summer to run from the winter
  2. I'm actually quite delightful before you get to know me.
  3. It doesn't matter, as long as you don't take yourself seriously.
  4. Boredom is our enemy.
  5. Sometimes, i fall in love with myself. Today is one of those days.
  6. Define building character
  7. If i'm going to make a fool of myself, I might as well do it comfortably.
  8. I want a summer love to keep me warm.
  9. Always greedy. Taking from the needy.
  10. What do models talk about?
  11. I like my funny thoughts more than my philosophical ones.
  12. I want to entertain. I'm tired of being entertained.
  13. Blog idea- Things I Shouldn't Say Out Loud
  14. I've succeeded in becoming an awesome person, but now what do I do with my awesomeness?
  15. I'm fine with being a horrible person, I just have to warn people first.
  16. I look for someone in a relationship who is almost as in love with me as I am.
  17. strong minded and self guarded
  18. I sound like a skitz

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